• Ready to create a lasting memory?

    Memories could disappear with the passing of a loved one or the loss of a storage device…capture and preserve the loveliest moments for when you need them the most. Act now!.

An emotional recollection about his glorious life!

Isn’t it fascinating to listen to your grandpa reminiscing about the old days as you marvel at his twinkling eyes while he proudly shares the integral pieces of his life with you? There is a certain inherited pride and emotional value that all of us associate with our grandpa’s stories.  It is almost as if we are the custodians of all these stories and all things cool that he accomplished in his youth. In a hearty conversation with Tealgo, Mr. Garg laid open a storehouse of many such fond memories and made us realize why these stories need to be preserved at all cost. 
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“They were different days,” he said, beginning his recollections with his college days. He shared that while he learnt important lessons in discipline and punctuality at the Roorkee University, it was during his days at BHU that he developed an intense love for Shakespeare and a deep regard for Bhagavad Gita. 
 Mr. Garg then went back to his time as a star employee at the Western railways and how he averted two huge accidents through quick instinct and dedication. 
During the conversation, he also shared the memories of building his Gurugram house, and also helped us with some important life lessons including the “principle of diminishing returns” in regards to money and the human tendency to hoard it.
 “What I know today, I wish I had known it at 18. So many disasters could have been avoided,” he said is a voice laced with nostalgia as he came back from the reverie. 

Aren’t we all fragments of stories from our families’ past, holding on to them like our life depends on it? With Tealgo’s uniquely crafted process, we provide you a platform to preserve these valuable memories in their true essence. 
At Tealgo, we are creating a personalized memory archive, which will be brought to life by recording stimulating conversations with your family members facilitated in a familiar and informal setting. To enable the same, our local providers will reach out to your family members, create a rapport with them, and ensure that they are comfortable before the recording starts. 
We also create highlights of these recordings that can be used during special occasions like reunions or anytime you need to hear the voices of your loved one. Let’s unbox some memories together!
Khushboo Sharma,

Anjum Kapur
Pawandeep Singh


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